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Investor Portal:
Nexus Investor®

Improve your Clients’ Experience Through Superior Reporting, Communication and Collaboration

Nexus Investor® is our award winning investor portal, one of the best available on the market. It provides your clients with a highly sophisticated and feature rich investment portal that delivers state-of-the-art reporting, with a fully integrated view of all their investments.

It is already integrated with Pershing’s custodian capability and back-office services and works seamlessly with our digital professional portal, Nexus Wealth®.


Key Benefits to Your


  • Access the portal on the go—it will work on almost any mobile or tablet device; clients just need an internet connection
  • Choose how theyclients communicate with you via chat, video, phone or email
  • CheckClients are able to check their investments themselves
  • ReceiveClients can receive alerts and news about their investments
  • View documents online via the integrated document management system


Key Benefits to You

  • Adapt to the changing ways your clients want to do business
  • Communicate more easily with your clients
  • Record all communications (chat, video, phone or email) for MiFID II records
  • Screen share with your clients, enabling easy portfolio review and discussion remotely
  • Reduce the time spent fielding basic investor requests
  • Brand the portal with your own corporate identity, enhancing your professional image

Ask how we can help transform your business