Because we know we provide the infrastructure on which you run your business, we make it our business to continuously invest in technology for trading, clearing, settlement, custody and investor services, so you don’t have to. When you partner with BNY Pershing, you will have a technology platform that’s fully compliant, robust, flexible and above all, secure.
The sheer breadth of functions, capability and robustness of our systems will transform your business, allowing you to operate more effectively, enter new markets and offer new products. And our core, proprietary technology, Nexus® helps you increase efficiencies, enhance productivity and mitigate risk.
Our Solutions
Integrated Digital Front-End Solutions
Powerful professional and investor portals that seamlessly link your business, your clients and the market.
BNY Pershing’s core proprietary technology provides resilience, reliability and operational excellence. It’s the technology that powers our middle and back-office.